
08 June 2020 | REPORT
COVID-19 and the World of Work: Rapid Assessment of the Employment Impacts and Policy Responses. MONTENEGRO
To assess the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the Western Balkans’ economies, the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) established a task force. The EBRD/ILO Task Force produced the report “Covid-19 and the World of Work: Rapid Assessment of the Employment Impacts and Policy Responses - Montenegro”. The evidence from this assessment shows that the lockdown measures had severe impacts on employment. The decline in working hours during the second quarter of 2020 is equivalent to the loss of 31,000 full-time jobs. In seven sectors, 36,000 jobs are at immediate risk, which could imply a loss of 15 percentage points in the employment rate. The report offers several policy options for the country for supporting enterprises, jobs and incomes during the reactivation phase.
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