Measuring the employment impact of vocational training in Kosovo*, July – November 2018

01 November 2018 | REPORT

Measuring the employment impact of vocational training in Kosovo*, July – November 2018

Upon the request of the Public employment Agency of Kosovo*, RCC, through the ESAP project, has commissioned an analysis of the impact of programmes delivered by Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) on employment creation in Kosovo*.

The employment Agency has recognized the need to acquire a better understanding of the role of VTCs in addressing the high unemployment challenge and the role of the centres in equipping beneficiaries with relevant skills for the job market. The Joint Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue between the EU and the Western Balkans and Turkey have also stressed the urgent need for the authorities to address the mismatch between the current trainings and curricula and the labour market needs.

The analysis was based on a survey with participants of training programmes as well as relevant businesses, which have employed individuals, who have completed training programmes at the VTCs (870 individual beneficiaries and 54 businesses were interviewed). The survey assessed the relevance of training programmes for jobseekers and the skills that were enhanced through such trainings (many of the respondents strongly agree that the training programme was relevant to their professional growth and development (81%) and that it strengthened their skills needed for employment (82%)).
Additionally, the study has identified the share of employment gained through vocational training offered by the Vocational Training Centres in Kosovo* (The employment status of the training beneficiaries is as follows: unemployed (55%), self-employed (13%) and employed (33%)).

The majority of the businesses claimed that VTC training should include more practical work, the training should cover other job market needs beyond technical skills, and include other professions. The analysis put forth clear recommendations on establishing a tringle of cooperation between the Employment Office, VTCs and businesses in order to enhance the impact of vocational training for employment.

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