30 May 2022 |News
ILO ESAP 2: Regional meeting of Labour Inspectorates starts in Sarajevo

Regional Meeting of Labour Inspectorates in the Western Balkans
With an aim to increase capacities and outreach of the Western Balkans’ labour inspectorates in preventing and reducing undeclared work, International Labour Organisation (ILO) organised two-day Regional Meeting of Labour Inspectorates. The meeting started on May 30, 2022 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This meeting is organised as part of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, a regional 3-year project funded by the European Union and implemented by the ILO.
The first day of the meeting was led by Javier Barbero, ILO Senior Technical Specialist and Ada Huibregtse, ILO Chief Technical Advisor.
Mr. Barbero introduced general guidelines of labour inspection approved by the ILO Governing Body. This set the scene for the discussion on the findings and recommendation of the peer reviews of labour inspectorates conducted in 2021. General guidelines and peer reviews were used to develop regional guidelines of labour inspection tailored for undeclared work. The meeting is used as an opportunity to share ILO good practices from other European and Western Balkan countries.
On the second day of the meeting, participants will focus on approaches to reduce undeclared work and work on final draft of the regional guidelines.