
09 May 2022 |News

ILO ESAP 2: Improving Performance of the Economic and Social Councils in the Western Balkans

Participants of the Economic and Social councils' regional meeting in Montenegro

Participants of the Economic and Social councils' regional meeting in Montenegro

On the second day of Economic and Social Councils’ (ESC) regional meeting, organised by Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project on May 5 -6, 2022, participants attended workshop that opened discussion of ESC’s performance data for 2021.

Participants were separated into groups to work on drafting a blueprint of promoting the ESCs’ performance at institutional and regional level, as well as on the finalizing the action plan for improving the ESC’ performance.

Both discussion and group work were facilitated by Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor at ILO, who also announced that the software for ESC’s data management will be operational in July 2022. Upon gaining access to the software, ESCs will work on data entry and once first analytics are ready, follow-up meeting will be organized.

ESAP 2 is a regional 3-year project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO).