Economic Reform Programme (ERP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2020 – 2022)

Area: Education and Skills
Reform measure: Improving the link between education and the labour market
Activities planned 2020 - 2022
  • Develop strategies of career guidance in the process of lifelong learning
  • Further develop occupational standards and qualification standards for higher education
  • Develop new study programmes for initial teacher education based on learning outcomes, in line with occupational standards and qualification standards
  • Improve human capacities in the sector of education
  • Strengthen institutional capacities for recognition of qualifications in higher education
  • Programme of training, professional and advanced education of adults, with a special focus on women, in order to facilitate integration into the labour market
  • Support public institutions of higher education on projects aimed at linking study programmes with the needs of the labour market
  • Develop an enrolment policy in line with the real needs of the labour market and development policies of Republika Srpska (Guidelines), based on the estimated needs of the labour markets of local communities
  • Initiate project for equipping all classrooms and labs with state-of-the-art teaching aids and communication tools (one pupil – one iPad or laptop/video beam, sound system, smart blackboards, etc. / 5G in all schools) by utilising the intellectual and material capacities of local companies; the project should define the number of schools in the first year
  • Analyse the learning outcomes of existing curricula and programmes; develop knowledge catalogues for each subject curriculum; develop flexible curricula with up to 20% of curricula created by teachers, pupils and schools in cooperation with the local community;
  • Analyse existing modules by vocations and occupations of the third and fourth degree, with special emphasis on practical classes and methods of grading pupils; develop a redefined model for module development for all vocations and occupations; based on the results of the analysis, develop revised modular curricula, in accordance with the needs of the labour market;
  • Equip secondary schools with workshops and train a sufficient number of teachers to ensure the provision of knowledge and skills to secondary school pupils that are necessary for the occupation which can ensure economic development
  • Finance and support the organisation of pre-school programmes in order to ensure coverage of 50% (2020), 55% (2021) and 60% (2022) of children with pre-school education (Ministry of Education and Culture, local self-government units)
  • Analyse pre-school education curricula (Ministry of Education and Culture and Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska);
  • Raise the quality of primary education, improve the conditions in schools and modernize the teaching process in primary education, increase support to gifted and talented pupils, organise training of teachers and associates in order to facilitate the development of gifted and talented pupils, analyse curricula and education programmes based on learning outcomes through defining knowledge standards describing the quantity and quality of knowledge and skills a pupil will have after completing each level of education, continuously improve the quality of textbooks and other teaching materials in accordance with contemporary curricula – digitalisation (Ministry of Education and Culture, Institute for Textbooks, universities, institutions of science, etc.)
  • Ensure coverage of primary school pupils of 98% (2021) and 99% (2022); ensure a greater level of individualisation of classes and application of the means, forms and methods that are in accordance with the needs of gifted and talented pupils.
Area: Employment and labour markets
Reform measure: Improving the labour market efficiency
Activities planned 2020 - 2022
  • Development of the Law on Representation of Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations;
  • Development of the Law on the Council of Employees;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the Labour Law;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the Law on Safety at Work;
  • Monitoring of the application and implementation of the Law on Employment Mediation and Social Security of the Unemployed;
  • Monitoring the implementation of employment support programmes financed by the credit line of the World Bank – EBRD;
  • Developing an Employment Strategy in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the strategy for strengthening the function of mediation in public employment services;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the rulebook on records in the field of employment.
  • Preparation and adoption of by-laws regulating records of unemployed persons, the rights and obligations of unemployed persons – active job seekers. and other acts necessary to ensure the provision of precise data on the labour market situation in Republika Srpska (Ministry of Labour and War Veterans and Disabled People’s Protection - MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners and the Employment Institute);
  • Improving social dialogue through the strengthening of the role of the RS Economic and Social Council and work of other tri-partite bodies on the preparation and development of regulations and strategic documents from the field of labour, employment and safety at work;
  • Preparation of the Law on Amendments to the Labour Law, which includes developing a clear and uniform definition of wage and elements for wage calculation, precisely defining the minimum wage (MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners);
  • Preparation of the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Harassment at Work (Ministry of Labour and War Veterans and Disabled People’s Protection in cooperation with social partners);
  • Preparation of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Safety at Work (MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners);
  • Developing a new medium-term strategic document in the field of employment (MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners);
  • Developing a medium-term strategic document in the field of safety and health at work(MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners);
  • Continue implementation of the Programme for social welfare of workers who lost their jobs in the process of privatisation, bankruptcy and liquidation of companies (MRBIZ in cooperation with social partners);
  • Amend legislation from the area of employment and adjust it so that pupils can learn and work at the same time, and regulate it through stimulating compensation for work of pupils in internships (no taxation/safety and health at work regulated through private insurance policies or otherwise)
Area: Social Protection and Inclusion
Reform Measure: Improving the social protection system
Activities planned 2020 - 2022
  • Law on Protection of Civilian Victims of War
  • Law on Associations of Persons with Disabilities and Representation of Associations of Persons with Disabilities
  • Law on the Common Principles and Framework of Material Support to Persons with Disabilities
  • Law on Vocational Rehabilitation, Training and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (amendments).
  • Activities for the adoption of by-laws and the implementation of adopted laws.
  • Adoption of a new strategic document for the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities in the Federation of BiH for the period 2022-2027
  • Monitoring of the implementation of activities aimed at improving the situation in this field
  • Defining the social mapping model (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare)
  • Implementing the procedure necessary to establish the Social Welfare Institute (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare);
  • Monitoring the reorganisation of the public institution Child Protection Fund (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare);
  • Adopt the Law on Social Mapping.