Labour Dispute resolution
In the area of labour dispute resolution, the ILO ESAP 2 team will support the Western Balkans economies to develop regional policy and performance tools in the area of labour disputes resolution and industrial relations. Within this framework, the ILO will support:
- Reforming current dispute resolution institutions and processes through enhancing inter-agency policy dialogue and transfer of expertise.
- Establishment of a common set of performance criteria for Agencies for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes (ASLD).
- The enhancement and usage of a multi-language database of labour dispute cases.
- Development of a regional database of cases in for ASLDs.
- The design and development of an online peer reporting system that will be made available thought the ESAP 2 communities of practice.
- The Western Balkans ASLDs in their use of the online peer reporting system throughout the duration of ESAP2.
- Peer exchange of good practices and know-how in the Western Balkans and the European Union, including how to handle disputes involving vulnerable workers.
- Increasing the capacities and enhancing peer learning of conciliators and mediators Western Balkan.