RCC launches FUTOURISMO, regional competition to boost tourism in the Western Balkans

Western Balkans FUTOURISMO - a competition for best innovative digital solutions that will help mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Ride the Digital Waves - 6 most successful ideas to get 15,000 EUR each
Sarajevo - The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and its EU funded Tourism Project are organising the first Western Balkans FUTOURISMO competition, seeking innovative digital solutions that will help mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the heavily affected sector of tourism.
These digital solutions will have a positive effect in terms of keeping jobs, maintaining operations and promoting the region as a tourism destination. The 6 most impactful and innovative proposals will be awarded 15,000 euros each.
FUTOURISMO is a regional competition that invites interested start-ups, entrepreneurs, organisations, etc. to propose and develop innovative technological digital solutions that will have a positive effect on the future of tourism in the Western Balkan six economies.
“Last year, in order to support the region in adjusting to the unprecedented situation we found ourselves in with the pandemic, we started with Balkathon - a competition for the best digital solution in the Western Balkans. First of its kind at the regional level. And it was a success. Now again we are pioneering with Futourismo, which is daring a bit more. Tourism was hit hard, so this is our contribution to help it rise again. With new, fresh ideas, for new times that are ahead”, said Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General, on this occasion.
The competition starts today and will complete in an online event on 2 March 2021 where the awards will be given to solutions whose top priority is to make our region safe, welcoming and more sustainable for local communities and visitors.
Once implemented, these digital solutions should make a discernibly positive contribution to creating jobs, maintaining/enhancing operations, promoting and marketing WB6 destinations, and facilitating digital transformation of the tourism sector.
Join us in supporting the development of effective and creative solutions that will help our region to adapt quickly, respond to the crisis and recover from the effects caused by COVID-19. Find more information at www.rcc.int/futourismo