ILO and Labour Inspectorates in the Western Balkans join forces to improve effectiveness of labour inspections in addressing informal employment

Workshop “Improving effectiveness of Labour Inspectorates in addressing undeclared work in the Western Balkans”
Within the framework of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) project, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) gathered 20 high-level representatives from seven Labour Inspectorates (LI) in the Western Balkans to pave the path to more effective regional collaboration and national labour inspection processes aiming to address high levels of informal employment and undeclared work. Having agreed on the process of peer reviews as the first step in the process, the ILO experts guided workshop participants through different stages of the peer review utilizing best practices developed by the ILO and European Union Senior Labour Inspectors Committee. LI representatives’ engaging discussions and reflections on their work was a testimony to their commitment to further improvement of their work on informal employment and undeclared work. Participants left the workshop with a shared understanding that capitalizing on local Western Balkan capacities of LIs is pivotal to the advancement of regional cooperation and LI effectiveness. The next step in the process is to prepare and conduct peer reviews of Labour Inspectorates in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.