ILO ESAP 2: Ada Huibregtse stresses the importance of digitalization and optimization of public services during Forum on Business Climate in Albania

ILO ESAP 2: Ada Huibregtse at Forum on Business Climate in Albania
Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor at International Labour Organization (ILO) in charge of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, participated at the Forum on Business Climate 2023 organized by the Albanian Ministry of Finance and Economy on 24- 26 April 2023.
During the Forum, Huibregtse discussed the need for simultaneous acceleration of:
Digitalization and optimization of public services workflow in the Western Balkans;
Automation of the factory floor through digitization and cyber physical systems; and
Skilling and reskilling of the Western Balkans workforce with advanced tech and digital skills to respond to transformations brough about by the fifth and sixth innovation waves.
Through its work with the ESAP 2 project, which is funded by the European Union, the ILO is supporting Labour Inspectorates and Agencies for Settlement of Labour Disputes to digitalize their workflows with the aim of increasing their institutional efficiency.
In case of the Albanian Labour Inspectorate and Social Services, this support is focused on adopting elements of Artificial Intelligence in risk assessment of labour law violation. To ensure that digital transformation of these institutions is successful, the ILO will support digital upskilling of the employees.