ILO ESAP 2: Mediators from BiH, Montenegro and Serbia attend regional training

Regional training of mediators from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia “Improving the efficacy of mediation in solving labour disputes”
Regional training of mediators from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia titled “Improving the efficacy of mediation in solving labour disputes” was organised from May 11 to 13, 2021 in Zlatibor, Serbia.
The aim of the training was to advance the mediators’ skills in solving individual and collective labour disputes and promote cross-agency learning.
The training was organized through the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project. ESAP 2 is a regional 3-year project funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The training was led by Malcolm Currie from Scotland who has more than 25 years of experience in industrial relations, 11 of those as a professional trade union negotiator.
On the first day of the training, participants discussed the concept, processes and practice of mediation. Mr. Currie dedicated a part of the training to explaining and demonstrating the main skills for a successful mediation: listening, questioning, negotiating and dealing with emotions. The participants got the opportunity to practice opening as one of phases of mediation that lay grounds for a smooth process. The second day of the training was dedicated to developing listening questioning and bargaining skills.
Participants expressed their wish to have these trainings again in the future. “This type of education means a lot for the success of mediations and contributes to the strengthening of existing mediators’ skills” said one of the mediators.
Through ESAP 2, ILO team supports agencies for amicable settlement of labour disputes from Western Balkans in improving their skills, gaining new knowledge, and exchanging experiences with their peers from other countries.