ILO Training Program on Skills for Effective Dispute Resolution Starts in Belgrade

Participants of the Training Program on Skills for Effective Dispute Resolution
Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes Network Members and Mediators from five Western Balkans economies gathered in Belgrade on October 7 and 8, 2021 for trainings on skills for effective dispute resolutions.
The training is organised by the ILO, as part of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project funded by the European Union. First training session held on October 7 was organised in cooperation with the Agency for Amicable settlement of labour Disputes of Republic of Serbia, while the trainings were run by ILO’s International Training Center in Turin, Italy.
Training sought to improve participants’ skills in building rapport and empathy, and focused on experiential learning. Participants learned about dispute resolution in practice: which behaviors stand in the way of effective dispute resolution/what fosters dispute resolution, impact of bias and assumptions and dispute resolution and working with bias and assumptions.
ESAP 2 is a regional 3-year project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Regional Cooperation Council. Through ESAP 2, ILO team supports the Western Balkans economies in developing regional policy and performance tools in the area of labour disputes resolution and industrial relations and supports them to upgrade their case management systems.
More information on this training to be published soon.