
Employment rate of women in the Western Balkans is very low. In 2020, it stood at 44.9%, compared to men at 64.2%, (age bracket 20-64). The gender employment gap in the Western Balkans is 19.3%, while in the European Union (EU) it is 11.1%.

Employed women of more than 25 years old are typically better educated than employed men of the same age in the Western Balkans. On average, in Western Balkans, the percentage of women in employment with higher education is 32.9% compared to 21.6% for men.

The 2020 data for Western Balkan economies show that the category of managerial jobs is the smallest job category across all WB economies. The highest shares of women work in the group of professionals and service and sales workers. The high percentages of professionals may be due to the concentration of women in the teaching and nursing professions, but also since the public sector is an important sector of women employment in WB economies.

The average self-employment share of total employment in the WB economies was 15.8% for women and 21.9% for men, higher than the corresponding EU-27 shares of 9.0% and 14.9%, respectively. In regard to contributing/unpaid family workers, the average WB share is very high compared to EU-27, 9.2% of employed women in the WB economies work as contributing family workers, while in EU-27 only 1.2% of women hold the same work status. The share of contributing men is about half the women’s average, both in the WB and in EU-27.

  Men (%) Women (%)
Economy 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
EU-27 78.2 78.9 78.0 66.6 67.4 66.9
Albania 73.9 74.7 74.0 57.4 59.7 58.8
Bosnia & Herzegovina 59.5 61.6 64.9 35.8 38.0 40.0
North Macedonia 66.6 69.7 68.9 45.2 48.4 49.0
Montenegro 66.7 67.5 61.7 52.9 54.2 48.8
Serbia 70.5 72.1 72.9 55.8 58.2 58.9
Kosovo* 45.3 46.2 42.8 12.3 13.9 14.1
WB average 63.8 65.3 64.2 43.2 45.4 44.9

Open data set

EUPSR Social Scoreboard, 2021.

  2018 2019 2020 WB average 2018 WB average 2019 WB average 2020
EU-27 11,6 11,5 11,1 20,5 19,9 19,3
Albania 16,5 15,0 15,2 20,5 19,9 19,3
Bosnia & Herzegovina 23,7 23,6 24,9 20,5 19,9 19,3
North Macedonia 21,4 21,3 19,9 20,5 19,9 19,3
Montenegro 13,8 13,3 12,9 20,5 19,9 19,3
Serbia 14,7 13,9 14,0 20,5 19,9 19,3
Kosovo* 33,0 32,3 28,7 20,5 19,9 19,3

Open data set

Respective Statistics Bureaus of Western Balkan economies, and ILOSTAT, 2022.

  Primary or less Secondary Tertiary
Albania 40,7 40,9 18,4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11,6 74,2 14,1
North Macedonia 19,2 56,7 24,1
Montenegro 7,8 64,8 27,3
Serbia 16,3 59,2 24,0
WB average 19,1 59,2 21,6
EU-27 18,0 48,4 33,4
Albania 47,6 25,2 27,2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 14,3 60,2 25,5
North Macedonia 13,7 48,5 37,7
Montenegro 6,2 53,1 40,6
Serbia 16,6 49,9 33,4
WB average 19,7 47,4 32,9
EU-27 13,4 44,5 42,0

Open data set

Own calculations based on data from Respective Statistics Bureaus of Western Balkan economies, and ILOSTAT (2022). WB average calculated using available data.

  Agriculture Manufacturing Construction Mining and quarrying Trade Public Administration
Albania 41,6 14,8 0,6 0,8 21,6 20,7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 20,5 14,4 0,6 1,9 32,9 29,7
North Macedonia 13,1 23,9 1,1 1,2 31,4 29,4
Montenegro 6,6 4,1 2,2 1,6 49,6 35,9
Serbia 13,3 16,3 0,8 1,8 33,5 34,2
Kosovo* 2,8 5,5 1,2 0,9 40,1 49,5
Albania 32,3 7,9 12,2 3,2 31,6 12,8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 16,4 21,3 12,5 7,2 27,0 15,7
North Macedonia 14,5 17,1 11,0 6,4 33,1 18,0
Montenegro 7,6 7,5 16,0 5,0 47,6 16,3
Serbia 17,5 20,5 7,9 5,7 30,7 17,7
Kosovo* 4,7 14,0 16,0 3,9 40,3 21,0

Open data set

Author’s calculations based on data from ILOSTAT (2022)

Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina North Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Kosovo*
Managers 1,1 1,8 1,4 3,8 2,1 6,3
Professionals 18,3 20,9 22,6 25,6 18,7 33,4
Technicians and associate professionals 3,5 11,3 13,2 15,0 12,9 7,7
Clerical support workers 2,1 8,8 8,0 11,7 11,1 11,1
Service and sales workers 15,5 25,8 18,5 26,3 19,4 21,5
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 41,3 11,9 5,3 4,3 16,2 2,3
Craft and related trades workers 2,9 7,8 3,7 2,4 4,6 4,9
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 8,6 1,5 14,7 0,6 5,5 0,7
Elementary occupations 6,6 10,1 12,6 10,1 9,5 12,1
Armed forces occupations 0,1 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Open data set

Respective Statistics Bureaus of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia, 2022. Data for Montenegro and Kosovo* are from ILOSTAT, 2022.

  Employee Self-employed Unpaid family worker
WB average 75,0 15,8 9,2
EU-27 89,7 9,0 1,2
North Macedonia 85,3 8,0 6,7
Montenegro 86,8 10,1 3,1
Serbia 76,9 15,8 7,3
Kosovo* 73,4 22,1 4,5
Albania 47,2 25,8 27,0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 80,6 12,7 6,7
WB average 73,4 21,9 4,7
EU-27 84,5 14,9 0,6
North Macedonia 79,5 17,9 2,6
Montenegro 78,7 20,0 1,2
Serbia 69,9 27,6 2,5
Kosovo* 84,8 10,3 4,9
Albania 45,2 39,3 15,5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 82,2 16,4 1,4

Open data set

Respective Statistics Bureaus of Western Balkan economies, 2022.