Infographics are illustrative with latest available data and for certain age groups, for details please consult Table view and XLS
Early leavers from education and training (% of population aged 18-24)
9,9% EU average
Gender employment gap
9,9% EU average
Income quintile ratio (S80/S20)
9,9% EU average
At risk of poverty or social exclusion
9,9% EU average
Youth NEET (% of total population aged 15-24)
9,9% EU average
Youth NEET (% of total population aged 15-29)
9,9% EU average
Employment rate (% population aged 20-64)
9,9% EU average
Unemployment rate (% population aged 15-74)
9,9% EU average
Long term unemployment
9,9% EU average
The real gross disposable income of households per capita (index=2008)
9,9% EU average
Impact of social transfers (other than pensions) on poverty reduction
9,9% EU average
Children aged less than 3 years in formal childcare
9,9% EU average
Self-reported unmet need for medical care
9,9% EU average
Individuals’ level of digital skills (Individuals who have basic or above basic overall digital skills)
9,9% EU average
Equal Opportunities and Access to the Labour Market |
Indicator | EU Average | Latest Value | Trend |
Headline Indicators | |||
Early leavers from education and training% of population aged 18-24 | |||
Gender employment gapPercentage points | |||
Income quintile ratio (S80/S20)Ratio | |||
At risk of poverty or social exclusion% of labour force 15-74 | |||
Youth NEET % of total population aged 15-24 | |||
Youth NEET % of total population aged 15-29 | |||
Secondary Indicators | |||
Adult participation in learning % of population 25-64 | |||
Underachievement in education % of 15-year-old students performing at PISA mathematics literacy proficiency below level 2 | |||
Tertiary education attainment % of 15-year-old students performing at PISA mathematics literacy proficiency below level 2 | |||
Gender gap in part-time employment Percentage points | |||
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form % of average gross hourly earnings of men | |||
Variation in performance explained by students' socio-economic statusVariation | |||
At-risk-of-poverty-rate (AROP)% of population | |||
Severe material deprivation rate (SMD)% of population | |||
Persons living in a household with a very low work intensity% of total population aged 60 and below | |||
Severe housing deprivation% of owners, with mortgage or loan | |||
Severe housing deprivation% of tenants, with rent at market price |
Dynamic Labour Markets and Fair Working Conditions |
Indicator | EU Average | Latest Value | Trend |
Headline Indicators | |||
Employment rate% population aged 20-64 | |||
Unemployment rate% population aged 15-74 | |||
Long term unemployment% of labour force 15-74 | |||
The real gross disposable income of households per capitaPer capita increase (Index = 2008) | |||
Secondary Indicators | |||
Activity rate% of population aged 15-64 | |||
Youth unemployment rate% of labour force 15-24 | |||
Employment in current job by duration% of employed 20-64 from 0-11 months | |||
Transition rates from temporary to permanent contracts% (3 year average) | |||
In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate% of working population aged 18 and over |
Public Support / Social Protection and Inclusion |
Indicator | EU Average | Latest Value | Trend |
Headline Indicators | |||
Impact of social transfers (other than pensions) on poverty reduction% reduction of AROP | |||
Children aged less than 3 years in formal childcare% of under 3-years-olds | |||
Self-reported unmet need for medical care% of population 16+ | |||
Individuals' level of digital skills (Individuals who have basic or above basic overall digital skills)In % | |||
Secondary Indicators | |||
General government expenditure in social protection% of GDP | |||
General government expenditure in health% of GDP | |||
General government expenditure in education% of GDP | |||
Aggregate replacement ratio for pensionsRatio | |||
Healthy life years at the age of 65: WomenYears | |||
Healthy life years at the age of 65: MenYears | |||
Out-of-pocket expenditure on health care% of total health expenditure |